Talk Title: Supporting Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury: What Role Can Policing and the CJS Play?
Dr. Haag is a CIHR Fellow and Contract Faculty member with the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is exploring the gendered experiences of brain injury and the barriers and facilitating factors influencing mental health, return to work, and social integration encountered by brain injured women survivors of intimate partner violence. Lin is committed to improving outcomes through direct practice, innovative research, and professional education, believing that increased knowledge and understanding in the community is key. She is currently a co-principal investigator on a federally funded project tasked with developing training and educational resources for key sectors supporting women experiencing IPV such as healthcare, social support services, and the criminal justice system. In 2021 she was honoured to receive the Neurological Health Charities of Canada’s Changemaker Award for her work in IPV-related brain injury. As someone with lived experience of brain injury, she has been a guest speaker addressing issues of disability, brain injury, and marginalization for a variety of international academic, professional, and community-based organizations.