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Talk Title: The merging frontlines of policing and public health as an expression of institutional change.

Dr. Auke J. van Dijk is senior strategic advisor for the executive team of the Netherlands Police. He is engaged in long-term strategy and its connection with current policy decisions. Next to the future of policing in the context of privatisation and digitalisation, his focus is on vulnerable groups, marginalized communities, policing diversity, public protection, multi-agency (including leadership) and the further development and organization of police – academic relations. He is general secretary of the recently instituted Academic Advisory Council for Policing.

He has been involved in the emerging field of Law Enforcement and Public Health since the first conference in 2012 and involved in many subsequent international conferences. He was a member of the board of the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association from 2017 – 2023.


His original academic background is in International Relations Theory and International Political Economy. He has worked at the Dutch Organization for Applied Research on the consequences for government of the network and information society. He has been senior advisor at the Dutch Council for Public Administration, a formal strategic independent think tank advising the Cabinet and Parliament; his work was mainly on security issues. He was senior advisor to the independent ministerial committee advising government on the development of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Services. He was a member of the committee – set up by the Council of Chief Police Commissioners – which developed a new vision and strategy for policing. He was cofounder of the Agora police & security, which is an experimental space for thinking and debate among practitioners and academics.

Publications related to law enforcement and public health

  • Melissa Jardine & Auke J. van Dijk (2023). Why do positive experiences matter? Appreciative inquiry in ethnography for understanding and transforming policing. Fleming, J., and Charman, S. (Eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Police Ethnography, 319–334. London: Routledge.
  • Auke J. van Dijk (2022). Changing policing for communities. Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field of practices, concepts and research. Amsterdam: VU University.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Clifford Shearing & Gary Cordner (2022). Policing the pandemic: public health, law enforcement, and the use of force. Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being, 7(2), 67-74.
  • Melissa Jardine & Auke J. van Dijk (2022). Law enforcement and public health: a framework for analysis of LEPH in lower and middle income countries (LMICs). In: Bartkowiak-Théron, I., Clover, J., Martin, D., Southby, R.F., and Crofts, N. (Eds.). Law Enforcement and Public Health. Partners for Community Safety and Well-being (pp. 225–241). Cham (Swiss): Springer.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Jeroen Bastiaan Zoeteman & Thijs Fassaert (2020). Nursing and policing as boundary-spanning professions: from crisis management towards community outcomes in mental health. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 94-101.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Frank Hoogewoning & Maurice Punch (2019, revised version Cahier Politiestudies 2018-3).Running on empty. Reinvigorating policing through ‘what matters’. Series: Perspectives on Policing; paper 5. London: The Police Foundation.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Victoria Herrington, Nick Crofts, Robert Breuning, Scott Buris, Helen Sullivan, John Middleton, Susan Sherman & Nicholas Thomson (2019). Law enforcement and public health: recognition and enhancement of joined-up solutions. The Lancet, 393(10168), 287-294.
  • Amanda Keller, John Rich & Auke J. van Dijk (2017). Rethinking how we police communities. Alonzo L. Plough (ed.) Knowledge to action. Accelerating progress in health, well-being, and equity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Auke J. van Dijk & Nick Crofts (2017). Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 27(3), 261-275.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Frank Hoogewoning & Maurice Punch (2016). Policing at a turning point: implications for research. Brunger, Tong & Martin (eds.) Introduction to Policing Research: Taking lessons from practice, pp. 29-41. London & New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg & Auke J. van Dijk (2015). Crafting the domain of policing and public health in Amsterdam. European Journal of Policing Studies, 3(4), 375-393.
  • Auke J. van Dijk, Frank Hoogewoning & Maurice Punch (2015) What Matters in Policing? Change, Values and Leadership in Turbulent Times. Bristol (UK): Policy Press.
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