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Chris is a criminologist and social policy researcher with over a fifteen years of experience conducting research in Canada, the US, the UK, and the European Union. His academic research has focused on the organization, governance, and reform of public police in democratic societies, and he also conducts social policy and evaluation research on a wide range of topics including criminal justice and security, harm reduction, health and social care, and social finance. Chris is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of the Clairmont Centre for Community Safety Research at Dalhousie University, where he is leading a two-year SSHRC-funded research project examining governance and legitimacy in civilian-led crisis response services, among other projects.

Alongside his work at Dalhousie, Chris is a scientific advisor at Pier Labs, a non-profit social innovation outpost based in Halifax. Prior to working with Pier Labs, Chris was the research coordinator for the Halifax Regional Police, and before that he led the policing research portfolio as a senior analyst at the RAND Corporation’s European offices.

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